Autism Books - unknown-date

Autism: hope is not a dream. Proceedings from conference in Barcelona, Spain, 1996. [autism,proceedings]
Booklet for conference. Made by Mr. Angelo for 1998 ASA conference in Reno. [autism]
Educational provision for autistic children (The Society). [autism]
Functioning Adolescents and Young Adults with Autism. 145 pages. [autism,se,adolescent]
How to organize and run an effective support group. Sold by the Autism Society of America. [autism]
The Other Side of Autism. Collection of papers. [autism]
Symposium on autism: a one day function organised by the Apex Trust for Autism and the Post-graduate Committee in Medical Education, University of New South Wales. [autism,proceedings]
The Voice Within. [autism]
Autism National Committee.
New Stories for a New Day. [autism,account]
Autism Research Institute.
DAN! Conference Syllabus Spring 2004: April 16-19, 2004 Washington DC [autism,treatment,proceedings]
Autism Society of America.
ASA National Conference on Autism, 1997. [autism,proceedings]
Autism Treatment Options, Inc.
Autism Options Guide - Resource Handbook. Lists available resources for autism: source for information about treatment methods. [autism,treatment]
Victoria Beck & Gary Beck.
Unlocking the Potential of Secretin. As of October 1998, booklet due out later in the month from Autism Research International. [autism,treatment]
Tracy Bester.
How To Make Decisions: For Little People With Lots To Learn (Jesse.ka Press). Part of the series Learning Curve. [autism,se]
Tracy Bester.
Oh The Things That People Say (Jesse.ka Press). Part of the series Learning Curve. [autism,se]
Tracy Bester.
Practical Applications For Autism Spectrum Disorder (Jesse.ka Press). Part of the series Learning Curve. [autism,se]
Douglas Biklen & Don Cardinal, ed.
Presuming Competence: Empirical Investigations of Facilitated Communication (New York: Teachers College Press). Due summer 1996. Includes reports of research on facilitated communications. I assume this was a proposed title later changed to Contested Words, Contested Science. [autism,fc]
Betsy King Brunk.
Music Therapy: Learning and Communication for Children in the Autism Spectrum [autism,music]
Community Services for People with Autism.
Managing the Aggressive and Self-Injurious Behavior of Adults Disabled with Autism. [autism,adult]
Mary Anne Coppola.
Through a Mother's Eyes: A View of Autism. 38 pages. [autism,account]
Maxine DeVilbiss.
Billy's Story: A 35-Year Journey with Autism I think the book was created 2000 or before. [autism,account]
R. DiLavore, Catherine Lord & Michael Rutter.
Prelinguistic Autistic Diagnostic Observation Schedule. Unpublished. [autism]
Anne M. Donnellan & Martha R. Leary.
Behavior Challenges (DRI Press). [autism]
Martha Kate Downey.
If You've Ever Wanted to Crawl in the Closet With an Oreo: Tips for Parenting a Child With Special Needs (Phat Art 4). See second edition. ISBN: 0965070050 (paperback, 144 pages). [autism,disability,aspergers,parent]
Laurie Eckenrode, Pat Fennell & Kathy Hearsey.
Tasks Galore (Tasks Galore). [autism,se]
J. Evans, F. Castle, S. Barraclough & G. Jones.
Making A Difference. [autism]
Families for Early Treatment-North Texas.
Cookbook of Hope. As of 8/98, this is planned as a GF/CF cookbook. [autism,nutrition]
Marc Fleisher.
Making Sense of the Unfeasible. [autism,account]
Ray Gallup.
Eric's Story: Autism and the Autoimmune Connection [autism,vaccine,account]
Geneva Centre.
You Don't Have the Words To Describe What I Experience! The Sensory Experiences of Individuals With Autism Based on First-Hand Accounts (The Geneva Centre). $8.00 for book, $10.00 for tape. (For the publication: write The Geneva Centre, 111 Merton St., 4th Floor, Toronto, Ontario M4S 3A7. Phone 416-322-7877. For the tape write: Audio Archives International, Inc., 100 W. Beaver Creek Rd, Unit 18, Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 1H4. Phone 905-889-8555 x 22. The tape costs $10.00 plus $4.00 mailing and handling. The booklet costs $8.00. Tape # 941027-130 My Senses Are All Messed Up: Sensory Perception and Autism.) [autism,account]
Gunilla Gerland.
Een echt mens. Gunilla Gerland's book translated into dutch. [autism,account,dutch]
Gail Gillingham.
Autism Handle with Care, 2nd edition (Tacit publishing). ISBN: 0968786308 (paperback, 2001). [autism,intro]
Gail Gillingham.
Autism Handle with Care, 3rd edition (Tacit Publishing). ISBN: 0968421911 (paperback, 135 pages). [autism,intro]
Robin Goffe.
I Don't Want to be Ty. 6337 Highland Drive, Suite 135; Salt Lake City, UT 84121 [autism,vaccine,account]
Temple Grandin.
The Learning Style of People with Autism: An Autobiography. [autism,account]
Susan Gray, Lisa Ruble & Nancy Dalrymple.
Sexuality: A guide for instruction.... [autism]
Kathie Harrington.
For Parents and Professionals: Autism (LinguiSystems, Inc.). 172 pages. [autism,se,parent]
David A. Hill & Martha R. Leary.
Moving on: A Literature Review and Comparative Study of Symptoms of Autism and Movement Disturbance (Toronto, Ontario: The Geneva Centre). [autism]
P. Howlin & M. Rutter.
The Alleviation Of Family Problems. [autism]
P. Howlin & M. Rutter.
Treatment Of Obsessive And Ritualistic Behaviors. [autism]
Lynda Huggins.
Food for Thought Cookbook. Information about autism & recipes. A book designed to spread information about autism. [autism,nutrition]
David Hunter.
Planet Autism (David Hunter Publications). Hilarious in a warped way. [autism,account]
Hyperactive Children's Support Group.
Hyperactive Children A Guide to their Management. 32 pages. Available from AiA for $7. Includes Gluten-free diet guidelines. Also called the HACSG Handbook. [autism,allergy,nutrition]
R. Jordan & S. Powell.
The Special Curricular Needs Of Autistic Children. [autism,se]
Debra Kamps & et al.
Alternative Instructional Strategies for Students with Autism and Other Disabilities (Pro-Ed). I think this is the same as the Debra Whorton book. [autism,se]
Debra Kamps & et al.
Social Skills Program. I'm not certain this is a book. [autism,se,social]
Robert L. Koegel.
How to Integrate Autistic and Severely Handicapped Children into a Classroom (Pro-Ed). Part of the series Teaching the Autistic. ISBN: 0890790647 (paperback, 28 pages, H & H Enterprises, 1981). [autism,se]
Robert L. Koegel, Lynn Kern Koegel & Glen Dunlap.
?. Booklet on toilet training people with autism and other disabilities. [autism,disability]
Robert L. Koegel, Laura Schreibman, A. Good, I. Cerniglia & M. Murphy.
How to Teach Pivotal Behaviors to Children with Autism: A Training Manual (Santa Barbara: UCSB). [autism]
Kathy Labosh.
The Child with Autism Goes on Vacation: The Go Everywhere Guide (Labosh Pub). [autism,parent]
Kathy Labosh.
The Child with Autism Learns the Faith: The Sunday School Guide (Labosh Pub). [autism,parent]
Ole Ivar Lovaas.
Teaching Developmentally Disabled Children: the Me Book, 2nd ed. As of 1996, it is said to be in the works. As of 1/1997, the news is that it is not yet close to being published. Perhaps became 2002's Teaching Individuals.... [autism,behavioral,treatment]
Ann Lovell.
Simple Simon: The Story of an Autistic Boy (1978). Earlier title of In a Summer Garment: The Experience of an Autistic Child. ISBN: 0867604131 (Lion Publishing Corp, 1983). [autism,account]
Pat Matthews.
A Miracle in the Making. Written on behalf of the Irish Society for Autism and the International Association Autism-Europe. [autism]
Michigan Society for Autistic Children.
How They Grow. A handbook for parents of young children with autism. Probably the same as the ASA book of 1990. [autism,parent]
David Miedzianik.
Now All I've Got Left Is Myself [autism,poetry]
David Miedzianik.
Taking the Load off my Mind [autism,poetry]
Cathy Nance.
Parent-Teacher Communication Notebook [autism,parent,se]
National Autistic Society.
Could this be Autism?. Booklet. [autism]
National Autistic Society.
Schools Units & Classes For Children With Autism. [autism,se]
Jerry Newport, Mary Newport & David Weddle.
Newport (HarperCollins). Planned book: I'm not certain of the title. Account of Mary and Jerry's marriage. They are both autistic. Note: I'm not certain of Mary's last name. [autism,account]
Michael D. Powers.
Educating Children with Autism: A Guide to Selecting an Appropriate Program (Woodbine Press). Previously due out in October 1995. As of 10/96 not yet out. [autism,se]
Marean J. Price.
Lord, why Not Me?: A Mother's Story of an Autistic Child (Rondelle Publishing Company). ISBN: 1883372003 (paperback, 104 pages). [autism,account]
Pam Britton Reese & Nena C. Challenner.
Autism & PDD Social Skills Lessons (LinguiSystems, Inc.). Ages 3-8. Set of five 60-page books, 40 lessons in each book. [autism,se,social,pdd]
Adair Renning.
The Ultimate Treasure Hunt: Offering Hope to Parents of Children with Autism (Future Horizons). [autism,account]
Viki Satkiewicz-Grayhardt.
At Home with Autism: Three Families' Stories (Potential Unlimited Publishing). Paperback, 40 pages. Possibly a children's book. [autism,account]
Susanne Schaefer.
Sterne, aepfel und rundes glas (Verlag Freies Geisteleben). ISBN: 3772516793 . [autism,german,account]
Marc Segar.
Coping - A Survival guide for People with Asperger Syndrome (Nottingham: Early Years Diagnostic Centre). The author had Asperger's. [autism,aspergers]
Marc Segar.
A Guide To Copying For Young Adults. [autism,aspergers]
Roger Shattuck & Jean-Marc Gaspard Itard.
The Forbidden Experiment: the Story of the Wild Boy of Aveyron. Reports on Victor, a boy found in a village in the early 1800's. Some have speculated, from descriptions, that he was autistic. See also The Wild Boy of Aveyron by Itard. ISBN: 1568360487 (paperback, 220 pages, Kodansha Globe, 1994). [autism,account]
Marianne Smith.
Things Beyond Our Seeing (Green Apple Publishing). Woman describes the benefits of adjusting the her autistic son Oliver's diet. [autism,nutrition,account]
Beth Sposato, ed.
The A Book, a collection of writings from ASA ADVOCATE, 1979-89 (Autism Society of NE, 7155 S. 75th, Lincoln, NE 68516). [autism]
Karen Loden Talmage.
Climbing Art Obstacles in Autism (Tasks Galore). [autism,se]
P. Whitely & P. Shattock.
Guidelines for Implementation of a Gluten and/or Casein Free Diet with People with Autism or Associated Spectrum Disorders (Autism Research Unit). Oriented toward food sources available in the UK. [autism,allergy]
Pamela Wolfberg.
Integrated Play Groups (San Francisco State University, Dept. of Special Education). Includes information on modelling. [autism]
Dietmar Zoeller.
Wenn ich mit euch reden konnte: Ein autistischer Junge beschreibt sein Leben. ISBN: 3502188858 (Scherz, 1989); ISBN: 342311455X (DTV, 1991); ISBN: 3423300183 (DTV, 1992). [autism,german]