Theo Peeters - Nonfiction

Autism Books

Theo Peeters.
Autism: From Theoretical Understanding to Educational Intervention (J. A. Majors Company, 1997). The techniques described are derived from TEACCH. Makes use of quotes from autistic people and parents of autistic people. ISBN: 1861560036 (Whurr Publishers, 1996 298 pages); ISBN: 1565938461 (Singular Pub Group, 1997, 198 pages). [autism,se]
Theo Peeters.
Autisme de l'adolescence a l'age adult (1990). 105 pages. I've heard there is an english translation of a book on the subject of autism and education by Theo Peters. Maybe that is this book. [autism,adult,adolescent,french]
Theo Peeters & C. Gillberg.
Autism: Medical and Educational Aspects (Whurr Publishers, 1998). ISBN: 1861560931 (paperback, 120 pages, 2nd edition, 1999). [autism,se]

Autism non-fiction books by Theo Peeters.