Douglas Biklen - Nonfiction

Autism Books

Douglas Biklen.
Communication Unbound: How Facilitated Communication is Challenging Traditional Views of Autism and Ability/Disability (New York: Teachers College Press, 1993). Part of the series Special Education. Includes Biklen's first article on Facilitated Communication originally published in the Harvard Educational Review. ISBN: 0807732214 (paperback, 221 pages). [autism,fc]
Douglas Biklen, ed, Larry Bissonnette, ed, Lucy Blackman, ed, Jamie Burke, ed, Alberto Frugone, ed, Tito Rajarshi Mukhopadhyay, ed, Sue Rabin, ed & Richard Attfield, ed.
Autism And The Myth Of The Person Alone (New York University Press, 2005). Part of the series Qualitative Studies in Psychology. ISBN: 0814799272 (hardcover, 304 pages); ISBN: 0814799280 (paperback, 304 pages). [autism]
Douglas Biklen & Don Cardinal, ed.
Contested Words, Contested Science: Unraveling the Facilitated Communication Controversy (New York: Teachers College Press, 1997). Part of the series Special Education Series. Includes reports on studies that address the validity of facilitated communication. Studies include Calculator & Singer, 1992; Cardinal, Hanson, & Wakeham, 1996; Crossley, 1992; Heckler, 1994; Intellectual Disability Review Panel, 1989; Karp, 1993; Karp, Biklen, & Chadwick, 1993; Steering Committee, 1993; Sheehan, 1993; Sheehan & Matuozzi, 1994; Vazquez, 1994; Weiss, Wagner, Bauman, 1996. One chapter was co-written by the autistic son of a member of the AUTISM mailing list. ISBN: 0807736023 . [autism,fc]
Douglas Biklen & Don Cardinal, ed.
Presuming Competence: Empirical Investigations of Facilitated Communication (New York: Teachers College Press). Due summer 1996. Includes reports of research on facilitated communications. I assume this was a proposed title later changed to Contested Words, Contested Science. [autism,fc]

Autism non-fiction books by Douglas Biklen.